
Saturday 2 October 2021

Château de Mauvezin

This is the Château de Mauvezin, in the Hautes-Pyrénées. We drove past in July on our way back from Cauterets, but stopped off to take a photo. It isn't the best view of the chateau (that is here), but it's a view.

I posted it because if I had titled this blog post "A Goat Shelter in the Pyrenees" you may not have read any further. Which would have been a pity...


chm said...

yWell, Susan, if you had titled your post, A goat shelter in the Pyrénées, knowing what kind of subject matter you write about, I would have been intrigued and gone further and be rewarded by this shelter shared with humans no doubt. The chateau would have been the cherry on the pie.

chm said...

What a view at the link! That’s the way I like snow, away from me.

Colin and Elizabeth said...

My first thoughts on the goat shelter was "I want to dig the rest of it out..." to see what is below.

potty said...

Posh goats for that posh shelter!

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