
Friday 16 July 2021

Lovely Flies in the Orchard

 The other day I photographed some lovely newly minted, straight out of the packet, flies in the orchard.

Male stiletto fly Thereva sp, Indre et Loire, France. Photo by Loire Valley Time Travel.
A male stiletto fly Thereva sp, all golden and fuzzy.

Male bee fly Villa hottentotta, Indre et Loire, France. Photo by Loire Valley Time Travel.
A beautiful male bee fly Villa hottentotta in perfect condition.

Male bee fly Villa hottentotta, Indre et Loire, France. Photo by Loire Valley Time Travel.
Male bee fly Villa hottentotta, so beautifully golden and furry. He can be distinguished from other lookalikes by his gold dusted patagium (the protective flap over his wing joints, which in other similar species is silver).

Tachina magnicornis, Indre et Loire, France. Photo by Loire Valley Time Travel.
The parasitic fly Tachina magnicornis, a known pollinator of Burnt-tip Orchids. It can be distinguished from its close lookalike T. fera by its black femurs and 'string of beads' or series of black lozenge shapes down the abdomen, rather than orangey femurs and a plain tapering black stripe on the abdomen. T. magnicornis is much more abundant in the Touraine Loire Valley than T. fera.

1 comment:

Sheila said...

Amazing photos, Susan, especially considering that you were able to capture that gold dust on the patagium of the one specimen.

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