
Tuesday 4 May 2021

Lavoir at Drache


Lavoir (public laundry), Indre et Loire, France. Photo by Loire Valley Time Travel.

This lavoir (public laundry) is to the west of the village of Draché, on the road to Maillé.

Lavoir (public laundry), Indre et Loire, France. Photo by Loire Valley Time Travel.


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chm said...

Some lavoirs are really nice. I've seen much better looking lavoirs than this one that seems to be out of commision.

Jean said...

It's good to see them preserved like this. The lavoir was an important meeting place in every village.

Carolyn said...

Stop me if I've said this before, but the first time we visited France, lavoirs were still in use. I can't remember know how widespread their use was, because once we got used to seeing them we may have stopped noticing them. We used one once. It was a struggle.

I do remember using a laverie in Paris that was brand new and the owner felt she was a celebrity, which made me think there weren't that many self-service laundries in Paris at that time, but maybe she was just a celebrity in her own mind.

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