
Saturday 13 February 2021

All the Water in the World

 Thirty years ago I was in South America with my mate Hugo. One of the exciting places we visited was the Iguacu Falls, the largest waterfall (by some metrics) in the world. You may recognise it as the setting for the film "The Mission".

We visited the Brazilian side of the falls the first day we were there (no, we didn't take a helicopter under the falls - need you ask?):

...and the Argentinian side the second day. On both sides there is a series of concrete walkways out into the middle of the river above the falls. When we visited these were in a quite scary state. Can you tell?

Although we didn't visit, we could also see Paraguay from our hotel. That's Argentina in the foreground, Brazil in the centre, and behind that Paraguay.

I have dozens of photos of the Iguacu Falls. I hope these give an idea of what it's like...

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

I appreciate your photos of Iguacu Falls, a place I'll only ever see in photos. You mention The mission. The falls as shown in that movie were astonishing.

So was the start of the movie. I'd gone with my mother and we'd brought in a large bag of snacks to take us through the movie, but soon after the movie started we lost our appetites. The movie was gripping, but not the kind where you enjoy snacking.

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