
Sunday 3 January 2021

Flannel Flowers

Flannel Flower Actinotus helianthus, New South Wales, Australia. Photo by Loire Valley Time Travel.

Flannel Flower Actinotus helianthus is a common flower of coastal sandstone heath in eastern New South Wales.  Although they look like daisies, they are actually related to carrots and parsley. It is one of the most recognised and iconic flowers of the Australian bush.

Flannel Flower Actinotus helianthus, New South Wales, Australia. Photo by Loire Valley Time Travel.

The whole plant is covered in a soft down that gives them their flannel like quality.

Coastal heath with Flannel Flower Actinotus helianthus, New South Wales, Australia. Photo by Loire Valley Time Travel.


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chm said...

Lovely flower. It sure looks like a daisie, even if it is not one.

Susan said...

Yes, they totally look like a daisy.

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