
Wednesday 14 October 2020

Fun Routes (2)

We have been to Loches many times. We don't always take the same route, but usually we just beetle up the main road  - mainly because it's called the "Route de Loches".

This isn't the approach that our sat-nav takes when you ask for the "eco" route, however. I don't know whether the car was having a particularly random moment, but there is no way I was expecting this route.

 Still - we weren't in a hurry, and it took us down a road we had never driven along before. I wouldn't have thought that was possible after 14 years, but it just goes to show - never under-estimate technology.


chm said...

Tous les chemins mènent à Rome!

Simon said...

True, but in our case, via Carthage - if we leave it to the GPS

Le Pré de la Forge said...

The most of that is our route to Loches from here....

Simon said...

It's the weird deviation via Esves Les Moutiers and Ferrier Larcon that gets me...

chm said...

LOL! Simon. Et delenda est Carthago!

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