
Sunday 5 July 2020


Bottlebrush Callistemon (Melaleuca) sp. Adaminaby, Australia. Photo by Susan Walter.

Bottlebrushes, also known as Callistemons (which means beautiful stamens) are endemic to Australia and a few nearby islands such as New Caledonia. Most of them are now considered to be taxonomically Melaleuca spp. Certain species are widely cultivated in Australia, like this one photographed in the Snowy Mountains at Adaminaby. They are very attractive to pollinators. In French they are known as rince-bouteilles.

Bottlebrush Callistemon (Melaleuca) sp. Adaminaby. Australia. Photo by Susan Walter.


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chm said...

Lovely flower!

Colin and Elizabeth said...

They are all over Tasmania to... Love the French name.

Ken Broadhurst said...

We had a bottlebrush tree right outside our front door in San Francisco.

Susan said...

They are ubiquitous in Australia, so I kind of take them for granted.

Susan said...

All over most of urbanised Australia.

Susan said...


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