
Wednesday 13 March 2019

The Awesome Panc'hike, Part I

Every year the local walking club holds a fundraiser which involves members of the public subscribing (€3.50/person) to walk 10 or 15 kilometres, then afterwards eating crêpes made by volunteers. Two hundred and sixty three walkers signed up, and club members made a total of 1200 crêpes. The expression 'the awesome panc'hike' was coined by my friend Dotty. She's making a clever play on words for someone working in her second language, but also teasing me about my accent! I'm definitely going to have to drop her!! :-)

Here is a selection of photos from the event, up to the halfway point. The rest will follow in another post.

Cooked and photographed by Susan from Loire Valley Time Travel.
A pile of 45 crêpes, made by me as my contribution to the event. 
This lot took me three hours to make.

Photographed by Susan from Loire Valley Time Travel.
Setting up the tables in the Salle des Fêtes ready for serving crêpes after the walk.

Photographed by Susan from Loire Valley Time Travel.
Denise's really good pain d'épices -- voted the best they've ever had by everyone who tastes it.
Served with coffee before we set out.

Photographed by Susan from Loire Valley Time Travel.
 The crowd of walkers, waiting for the off.

Photographed by Susan from Loire Valley Time Travel.
 Octagonal tower, Chateau du Grand Pressigny. The mason who restored the shell halfway up was on the walk and overheard proudly showing his work to his young son.

Photographed by Susan from Loire Valley Time Travel.
Walkers strung out coming up the hill out of Le Grand Pressigny.

Photographed by Susan from Loire Valley Time Travel.
 Water, orange juice, chocolate, prunes and dates being distributed in the hamlet of Courvault, 
the halfway point of the walk.

Photographed by Susan from Loire Valley Time Travel.
After refreshments it's on up the hill, heading for the Chateau de Vienne.


For details of our private guided tours of chateaux, gardens, wineries, markets and more please visit the Loire Valley Time Travel website. We would be delighted to design a tour for you.


Ken Broadhurst said...

Any chance of getting Denise's pain d'épices recipe?

chm said...

I was going to say the same thing!

Susan said...

I'd really like the recipe too, but I haven't asked yet. She's one of those people who gets really uncomfortable if you compliment her, so I need to pick my moment.

Susan said...

Well, I asked. She was clearly tickled pink that her pain d'épices is a hit, but said she wouldn't share the recipe. She's given it to her children, and maybe when she's an old lady she'll share it, but for now she wants to keep it as her special thing. We'll get to sample it twice a year at walking club events anyway. And I got away with asking, which I was a bit nervous about because I suspected she wouldn't give out the recipe, and I didn't want to clumsily cause offence.

Unknown said...

Denise: 15 mars 2019 à 20h10
Je ne peux donner ma recette, mon pain d'épices fait le succès de nos randonnées, peut-être qu'un jour ........

Susan said...

Oui, pas de probleme Denise. Je comprends. Et j'attend avec impatience la randonnée en septembre quand le pain d'épices apparaitra encore :-)

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