
Thursday 21 February 2019

The Charcuterie has Closed

Photographed by Susan from Loire Valley Time Travel.

Sadly, and ironically, in the Year of the Pig, the charcuterie in Preuilly's main street closed permanently at the end of January. It's always worrying when small towns lose a shop. Here is a link to a blog post I wrote about it a few years ago, detailing the sorts of things they sold. According to Madame Mas, the charcutiere's wife, who served in the shop, they weren't getting enough revenue for the amount of work they were doing. Her husband is going to retire, she will take a salaried job somewhere.


For details of our private guided tours of chateaux, gardens, wineries, markets and more please visit the Loire Valley Time Travel website. We would be delighted to design a tour for you.


Debs said...

oh no what shame, we always went in there every time we were over - there was usually a queue.

Ken Broadhurst said...

We had three charcuteries in Saint-Aignan when we came to live here. Now there are none. There's still one over in Noyers, but... oh well. We also had five boulangeries in town; now there are two.

Susan said...

There is worse news to come I'm afraid with regard to closures in town.

Susan said...

We've managed to not only stay stable boulangerie wise but gain one!

Jean said...

Such a shame.
Too many people simply seem to prefer shopping at the supermarket I think. They say they like to have small independent shops in towns and villages but don't support them by actually shopping there. We are as guilty as most, although now that we have more time we use the small retailers much more than we did.

Susan said...

Yep. It's use them or lose them. One of the things I find frustrating is that people automatically think the small independents and the farmers/fresh markets will be more expensive than the supermarket. That is not the case as the independents know they have to price keenly to compete, and in a lot of cases people are not comparing similar enough products, nor do they seem to have any ability to judge quality. Because they don't shop in them they don't understand how much better the service is either.

Debs said...

Oh good grief what else?

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