
Tuesday 1 January 2019

Happy New Year 2019

Wishing all our readers a peaceful and happy year to come.

Nous vous souhaitons à vous ainsi qu'à votre famille une nouvelle année prospère et heureuse ! Que tous nos meilleurs vœux vous accompagnent.


Carolyn said...

Thank you, Susan and Simon, and E and I wish you the same. Thank you for writing something fascinating on your blog 365 days a year. Sometimes it puts us in touch with France or Australia, or gives a glimpse of your daily lives or your vacations, or talks about one of your interests like nature, history, or cooking. When you tackle a particular subject in depth, you do a good job of enlightening us all. Every day there's something new to read here. We enjoy whatever you find to write about and it’s always fun to start the day with your blog. May this year be a good one!

GaynorB said...

Happy new year to you both. 2018 was difficult losing Sumon’s Mum, but the holiday in Switzerland seemed to lift you both. Looking forward to reading about your life in 3019 x

GaynorB said...

I must proof read
I must proof read
I must proof read... :))

Susan said...

Thank you very much for taking the time to write this. It's lovely to get such nice feedback.

Susan said...

I can assure you that the single most difficult thing about 2018 was Brexit. The death of Simon's Mum was sad but so much easier to deal with emotionally. For a start it isn't an event that has made us angry every single day for two and a half years.

Susan said...


GaynorB said...

Point taken. It gets me the same way.

Unknown said...

Well said, Carolyn. I quite agree and look forward to another year of interesting posts, Brexit or not.

Susan said...

Thanks Jocelyn :-)

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