
Wednesday 17 October 2018

Cat on a Canvas Roof

The other day we dined with clients at Les Grottes, a troglodytic restaurant in Azay le Rideau. While we were waiting for our meal to be served I heard a scrabbling noise behind me and realised there was a cat on the umbrella at the next table. The waitress rushed over and flapped a bit. The cat jumped down and confidently sashayed up to diners, including our clients.

 Cat on a canvas roof.

The waitress said the cat didn't belong to them, but it wasn't a stray. It must live in one of the neighbouring houses but she didn't know exactly which. She said she often arrives to open the restaurant to find it snoozing in a sunny corner of their courtyard.

Luckily our client liked cats.

The cat is doing rather well, as in order to get it to stop bothering diners the waitress took it aside and fed it. If that pattern continues, very soon it's going to be too fat to get up to the sort of antics it displayed last week.

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