
Friday 15 December 2017

Things are Grave Part II -- Do Fish Have Nipples?

This bronze fish with breasts was created by the sculptor Alex Berdal in 1990. It bears an inscription Il fait son choix d'anchois et dîne d'une sardine ('He makes his choice of anchovy and dines on a sardine'). The deceased is unnamed. The work is called Poisson Sirène ('Fish Mermaid') and is the first of eight castings in a limited edition.

On our visit to Paris in September we stayed near Montparnasse Cemetery, so naturally we paid it a thorough visit. We will be featuring some of the more interesting graves over the next few weeks.


potty said...

The 'breast' side has a hint of a smile.

chm said...

This post about fish reminds me of what Parisian said two centuries ago of the Dessolles government under Louis XVIII:
O roi! malheureux anchois (en choix) qui choisit des soles (Dessolles, ministre) pour rétablir la monarchie des truites (détruite). That's the kind of calembour that doesn't make much sense translated into English! To be funny, it should be heard but not read.

Susan said...

I think you might be right that this is the reference.

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