
Tuesday 15 August 2017

Comice Agricole 2017 - Day 3

Day three of the comice is reserved for the "Grand Défilé" - the big parade. This year's parade was much bigger than that in 2011, with much more community involement. Many of the villages and towns around Preuilly had circus themed "chars" (floats), including:







Unfortunately I have no idea who this cricus school is (or where they are from)
The kids were pretty good though

Preuilly sur Claise's float was for the Reine de Comice

Some excellent planning and creativity had gone into the floats, although at one stage it looked like one of the floats had been measured to fit precisely though the narrow gaps in the street, but it had been  forgotten that there would be people standing on the footpaths...

There was also a number of bands: from Saumur, Yzeures, and Saint-Geno, and a pair of majorette teams.

In all - very colourful, very local, and a most entertaining way to spend an otehrwise quiet Sunday afternoon.


jlm said...

The anonymous float is from Yzeures. La Nouvelle République mentions "le cirque yzeurois et ses mini artistes " in an article about Preuilly's Comice Agricole.

Susan said...

No, I'm sure it's not. We have a photo of the Yzeures float and it was built by our mechanic, who was driving it. We saw it in his workshop before the parade too. I think the mystery float belongs to the Comité des Fetes.

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