
Tuesday 1 August 2017

A Busy Day

Today we are quite the social gadabouts...

We are lunching with Leon and Sue near Amboise (at one of our new favourite restaurants) and introducing them to our friend Olivier, before heading off in a northern direction so Susan can play in the mud with a group of Americans.

Susan will be walking from there (on the horizon) to here

She will be walking from Avranches to Mont St Michel in an almost direct line with a qualified mud walking guide, and a group of 15 American walkers she will later be guiding for 4 days in the Loire Valley. I am rather jealous, but only if it turms out the weather is good...


chm said...

Good luck to Susan with the mud walking. You have to be intrepid to do such a thing even though under the guidance of a professional!

Colin and Elizabeth said...

Great stuff. When you've done that Susan you can come further North, stay with us, and do the same across Morecambe Bay which is probably a bit longer than that one... Enjoy it...

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