
Thursday 22 June 2017

Opium Poppies

Poppies have been loving the hot dry weather we've been having lately. And it's not just the Field Poppies. I've seen lots of Opium Poppies in gardens this year. Here are some from Ferrière Larcon last week.


Sheila said...

Here in the US, these are sold as Shirley poppies, and they come in a gorgeous array of pale colors. The seed heads are great for use in dried arrangements...unless you're into opium.

Susan said...

Really? I wonder if they are misnamed just to get round any awkwardness with their real name? Real Shirley poppies are a cultivar of Field Poppies, so a different species.

Le Pré de la Forge said...

Also known in the U.K. as "bread seed" poppies.... probably also to 'avoid' what they are.... and are used in some types of animal feed....where they mainly pass straight through.... and if you get your manure from a stable, you end up with an allotment full of these!!

Susan said...

The opium poppies they manufacture the drug from have white seeds, the ones with black seeds are genuinely grown for culinary purposes, so there is some justification.

the fly in the web said...

I grew them in my first garden in France and a neighbour warned me solemnly to cut them down before I was denounced.

Susan said...

Yes, I got similar, not just with opium poppies, but with foxgloves too.

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