
Friday 10 March 2017

Repairing the Ramparts

For several years now the local authorities have been concerned about the state of the ramparts of the royal citadel in Loches. For many years they have been covered in quite mature vegetation which was sending roots deep into the stone, and every freeze-thaw cycle was causing more masonry to slough off.

Newly vegetation free ramparts along rue Saint-Ours.

Now, finally, some funding has come through and the vegetation has been stripped. The job of protecting and putting back together the damaged masonry has begun.

A view of the section just under the jester window (click on the link if you want to see what the ramparts looked like before all the vegetation was removed).


chm said...

Vegetation on walls is most often very attractive, but it is far from being innocuous.

Susan said...

I'm not sure the vegetation even came under the heading 'attractive' in this case.

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