
Sunday 16 October 2016

Looking for Emu-wrens

Trying to spot an emu-wren.

This is my sister and her husband trying to spot emu-wrens in the grass. They are teensy weensy and brown, and none were seen on this occasion. Amongst birdwatchers they are notorious for being secretive and difficult to see. They are called emu-wrens because they have long fluffy tail feathers a bit like emu feathers. Emu-wrens are unique to Australia and are not related to 'true' wrens at all. They were given their scientific name Stipiturus and official description by the French physician and naturalist Réné Lesson after he visited Port Jackson on the Coquille expedition 1822-1825.

Experienced Australian naturalist Ian Fraser has just managed to photograph his first emu-wren and has posted the photo on his blog, Talking Naturally. He's also got photos of bustard footprints, for those of you who remember my post on the Champeigne Tourangelle, which talked about the conservation efforts for our local species of bustard here in France.

Our posts on Sundays have an Australian theme. If you would like to read more of them click here.


Loire Valley Nature: A new entry has been added for Badger Meles meles. No photos of actual badgers unfortunately, but lots of digging and footprints.

A new entry has been added for Bat Surveying in Indre et Loire.

A new entry has been added for Barn Owl Tyto alba.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

May we display your header on our new site directory? As it is now, the site title (linked back to your home page) is listed, and we think displaying the header will attract more attention. In any event, we hope you will come by and see what is going on at

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