
Saturday 2 July 2016

Chocks Away

If this isn't one of the world's coolest bonnet ornaments I don't know what is.
Seen in the carpark at the Relais de Francueil.


Le Pré de la Forge said...

Cool is the right word... but MG Spitfire? Must be a TR...
I always thought the Triumph was the Spitfire... how to confuse the public??
Isn't it a shame we can no longer personalise our Euroblobs this way.... all because of "Elf & Safe-T"!!

Our French Oasis said...

I remember when these were all the rage, my grandparents had a horse and jockey on their bonnet, we are a racing family, and I can remember them in car parks, the Jockeys painted in the owners colours. I wonder are they still even legal, I haven't seen one for years!

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