
Tuesday 28 June 2016

The Traffic's getting... Better?? Worse??

Certainly more attractive, that's for sure!

Nine days ago we attended our second Bouchon du Blanc, the bi-annual heritage traffic jam just down the road in le Blanc (you can see the first one here. And here.)

This year Susan's sister Kathy and brother-in-law John were with us, so we all dressed up, started CĂ©lestine, and toddled off down the road. This year there was about 200 cars of all ages (and sizes) and we had a ball. The program was the same as last time: a 60km drive through the Brenne before lunch (with a stop for morning tea of boudin noir and red wine), a couple of hours lunch and then two hours of some serious horn action in the middle of town. All this for 15€ a head.

photo courtesy of Kathy

Morning Tea at Gabriere

The snapper snapped

This is a handmade car inspired by the Buccialis coachworks of the 1930s.
It was hand built in his garage by Bart de Vries

Check out those pipes!

Our friend Fabien handing out candy from his 1965(?) Mustang.

All in all, a great day and one we will remember for a long time. The weather played ball, so although the morning drive was overcast the afternoon was hot, making an ice cream stop (once gridlock had been acheived) a very pleasant and welcome break.

There is an album of photos here.


chm said...

Simon, you look so very British!

Colin and Elizabeth said...

Simon - You could pass for an Undertaker!! Looks great, wish we could have made it...

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