
Wednesday 18 May 2016

What's on the Plate?

This is my starter at a restaurant earlier this month.

2 points for each of the main ingredients you can see on the plate.


Quiz Answers: The items on the plate are mâche (lamb's lettuce, cornsalad), beetroot, faiselle (fromage blanc, cottage cheese), and pig's ear. I really wanted to call the post 'Making a Pig's Ear of It' but thought that would give the game away. Maximum 8 points to PrédelaForge who guessed all the ingredients correctly. See below in the comments. The restaurant is Chez Madeleine in Cour Cheverny, where the chef seems to be rather fond of pigs' ears as they appear on several menu items.


chm said...

What's on this plate looks very appetizing. For sure, the salad is mâche; the rest I'd have to guess: bacon, cooked egg white, red beet (that looks like raw tuna), quince paste and tomato or raspberry coulis. Not to mention red wine and water...

Le Pré de la Forge said...

Nicely presented...
Looks like a pigs ear [and I don't mean the presentation], with mache, and two types of beetroot... and fromage blanc or other milk product on the big chunk of beetroot...
can't understand why two beetroots except from experience they do taste different...

Sheila said...

My goodness, you do have big beetroot. I thought they were two
types of aspic.

bonjourpatricia said...

I hope you managed to eat it stylishly. How did you go about it? and, how did it taste?

Colin and Elizabeth said...

NOT something I would eat!! Col Looks a pigs ear to me...

Loire Daily Photo said...

I have to say that I do not find that very appetizing!

Susan said...

Mâche is correct, no bacon (but another part of the pig is there), no egg white, beetroot is correct (and I remarked on how pale it was at the time), no quince paste (it's more beetroot). The coulis is beetroot. The wine is Cheverny. 4 points for you.

Susan said...

I really wanted to call this post 'Making a Pig's Ear of It' but I thought that would give the game away. Turns out I needn't have worried as several people guessed correctly that it is a pig's ear on top. You are exactly right about the contents of the plate -- mâche (aka lamb's lettuce, aka cornsalad), beetroot (only one type in fact, which has had its core removed and sat on top), faiselle (aka fromage blanc), and pig's ear. Maximum 8 points to you.

Susan said...

Nope, definitely beetroot.

Susan said...

I did pick up some of the pig's ear and eat it with my hands. It's like crackling. Rather greasy, fun for occasionally, but not something I'm totally in love with. The beetroot was delicious, much tastier than its oddly washed out appearance suggested, and it went well with the beetroot. The mâche was mâche -- green, fresh, not something I get overly excited about either (I prefer salad leave that is less soft).

Susan said...

It was indeed pig's ear, and was perfectly edible -- like crackling. 2 points to you.

Susan said...

You are right. I didn't think it looked all that appetising, although it was fun. It turned out to be very tasty, thanks mainly to the beetroot, which was better than it looked. I wouldn't normally have chosen this dish, but the chef was obviously having a pig's ear period. It appeared on several menu items. The restaurant is Chez Madeleine in Cour Cheverny. I recommend them, and you are close so do go and try them some day.

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