
Saturday 14 February 2015

15th Century Illuminated Love Songs

Click on the link above to access an illuminated heart-shaped book of 15th century French and Italian love songs. The link opens on the first illustrated page of the book. The book is 149 pages long and every page has different illusrations. The book has recently been scanned and released online by the French National Library, who hold the original in their collection.

If you are interested in French history from any period it is well worth subscribing to the Bibliotheque Nationale's online newsletter, or checking out their site from time to time to see what's new.
Sculpture Exhibition in Loches: There is a fantastic sculpture exhibition in Loches until 15 March at the Logis Royal. All the sculptures come from the Touraine and cover the history of sculpture in the area since before Roman times. My friend Gérard very kindly gave me a copy of the catalogue, so if anyone in the area is planning to go to the exhibition and wants to borrow it, please get in touch.
He also passed on some exciting news about one of the sculptures. It seems the SAP is negotiating to acquire one which has been living for a while in the stores of the Musée des Beaux Arts de Paris. The sculptor was Preuillaicien and the SAP already own two pieces of his which are currently at the exhibition. We are having a meeting on Friday to discuss how to rearrange the display in the museum to accommodate this new work. More details will be revealed later.
A la cuisine hier: I had some blanched cabbaged leaves in the freezer which I kept looking at and thinking I must use. Then Ken posted about making stuffed cabbage leaves and that settled it. Or more precisely, Simon read Ken's post and suggested I buy a cabbage. That goes to show how tempting Ken's posts on food are -- I've never known Simon to request cabbage unless it's sauerkraut before.


Tim said...

A nice post for St. Valentine's Day, Susan...
and I hope that whatever you were holding...
when Simon REQUESTED a cabbage...
was not heavy enough to damage anything...
especially your worktops!!

Tim said...

And never give a monkey bagpipes...
especially on Valentine's Day!!

Ken Broadhurst said...

Sauerkraut, yum. Susan, glad to hear about your m'gram results.

Susan said...

Thanks Ken.

Betty Carlson said...

How absolutely beautiful. I have heard of the Gallica site, but have never really used it. I went through about 30 pages of the manuscript and it is fascinating -- thank you for sharing this.

Betty Carlson said...

Oh, and I also signed up for the newsletter, even though I am under a severe newsletter reduction policy as part of a New Year's Resolution that is actually working. I see it only comes out once a month and there are plenty of interesting themes.

Susan said...

It's lovely isn't it? But I have to admit I haven't trawled through all 149 pages either.

Susan said...

It's always got at least one article that draws me in to read, and it covers all sorts of topics.

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