
Friday 18 July 2014

A More Than Five Hundred Year Old Door

This is one of the pair of 15th century carved oak doors on the north portal of Bourges cathedral. The portal itself is 12th century and the embrasure features a pair of columns in the shape of women (one is visible to the right of the door in the photo above). It is not known for sure what the women represent.

Detail of the carving.


Tim said...


The person who carved it was havin' a larrf!

The other door must have "L"s all over it....8-)

Tim said...

That is, however, a wonderful combination of carved wood and stone!!

Niall & Antoinette said...

Got to go and see this :-) it's clearly worth the drive.

Pollygarter said...

What beautiful work!

Simon said...

I figure that door must have cost £1/16/- to carve.

The are 36 R's, and I believe you get R for sixpence...

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