
Tuesday 24 June 2014

Beautiful Landing

This cutesome creature is a male Beautiful Demoiselle Calopteryx virgo, who spent some time sitting on my boot by the bief (millstream) in le Petit Pressigny this time last year.
They are the most abundant dragonfly along this small stream, which is nice, as they are not a particularly common species, being very picky about their habitat.


GaynorB said...

We are a bit picky about our habitat, too! ;o)

Tim said...

Interesting colour on this gentleman....
Where the darker, wooded area of the bief joins the more open meadow, I saw both species males sitting side by side [almost]....
The Bootiful also had this slight green tinge to the blue body....
whereas the Banded was distictly blue!!
And, no didn't have the camera....
I was mowing the paths at the time....
and when I did go back with the camera....
surprise, surprise....
not a sight of either!!

Pollygarter said...

What amazing eyes! Those colours are very 60s.

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