
Thursday 6 February 2014

The Prieuré de Saint Cosme is Getting a New Garden

The Prieuré de Saint Cosme is going to entirely remodel its gardens. The problem has been that the level of the garden was too high and damp was getting in to the logis du prieur (Prior's Lodge) and threatening the structure.

 Ronsard's private appartments on the left, in the Prior's Lodge, and the apse of the priory church on the right.
Also known as the Demeure de Ronsard, in the Tours satellite village of La Riche, it is taking advantage of the fact that people enjoy the quality of gardens here already and it is hoped to build on this reputation. The Conseil Général, who manages the site, are currently developing a project to improve the gardens and augment the double identity of the site ie at once a place of spirituality for over seven centuries, but also the home of the greatest poet of the French Renaissance, Pierre de Ronsard (who is buried here).

The dramatic ruins of the priory.
Choosing to go contemporary in style, the new garden layout will have 13 specifically themed areas and lots of different pathways for visitors to explore. The work will be undertaken over the course of 2014, costing 1 million euros and funded 50/50 by the Département and the Région. The grand opening is planned for 2015. The aim is to create a highly regarded family and nature friendly space -- un jardin remarquable.

The site will be closed for much of 2014, reopening temporarily from 14 June to 21 September to allow the public get a glimpse of the new look gardens. In total 250 new trees, 7000 shrubs, perennials, bulbs and vegetables will be planted. A thousand square metres of boundary wall will be restored and the Prior's Lodge will get a new museum display centred on the Renaissance world of poetry and history.

Source: La Nouvelle République 12 January 2014


Colin and Elizabeth said...

That's something we mustn't miss! We have two Pierre de Ronsard roses and would love to see the gardens. It's added to the "must-do" list! Thanks, Susan.

Susan said...

C&E: Pierre de Ronsard is a lovely rose, and very popular around here. We love the existing garden and have met the gardeners, who are very keen to develop the biodiversity on the site, so we are sure the new gardens will be terrific.

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