
Saturday 14 December 2013

It's a Sign!

A little weekend competition -- 3 questions relating to these signs, 2 points for each correct answer.

  1. What town was I in when I photographed these signs?
  2. Where was I standing?
  3. How is Canowindra pronounced?
A la cuisine hier: Slow-roasted tomatoes, turkey legs and potatoes. The slow-roasted tomatoes are a winter staple for us. I buy 2 kg of cheap tasteless tomatoes and transform them by cutting them into quarters, tossing in a little olive oil, salt, pepper, herbs and sugar, then laying them cut sides up on a baking sheet and cooking in the oven at 150°C for 3 hours.

I had a litre of raw milk from Monday that wasn't going to last any longer so I made custard (5 egg yolks, 2 tsp maize starch and 5 tbsp sugar). The milk was brought to the boil with a vanilla pod and left to infuse, then the vanilla removed, everything else mixed together and gently heated and stirred until it thickened. Easy peasy and no need for the powdered stuff unless you are vegan.

Bergamot Prunes, soaked overnight in Earl Grey tea sweetened with brown sugar. Strain the liquid off, add the zest and juice of an orange, a couple of bay leaves, a cinnamon stick and a vanilla pod. Bring it to the boil for a minute or two, then pour back over the prunes. Leave for a month to let the flavours smooth out before eating the prunes.

Pizza dough, ready for tonight's dinner.
Quiz Results: Tim used StreetView to work out I was standing in a carpark between a rose garden and the Tourist Office in Cowra so he gets 4 points. Anon gets 2 points for knowing how to pronounce Kah-noun-dra.


Tim said...

In Cowra at the junction of Mid Western H'way and Grenfell Rd...
with the Tennis Club in front of you and Lachlan Valley Way off behind you on your right towards the McDonalds...
only on Google street view the sign is "fractured"...
and you were standing either in the car park on the opposite side of the road near the sign for the Cowra Rose Garden....
or amongst the roses themselves...
probably the latter...
but I've no idea how wierdly the name is pronounced...
it is 'Stralian after all!!!

Anonymous said...

Ca-Noun-Dra..... is the way most Australians usually pronounce this town's name, I believe. Stand to be corrected Susan as you are the Queenslander. Enjoy your posts.

Susan said...

Tim: good detective work and use of StreetView. You get 4 points.

Anon: Correct. 2 points. Canowindra's in NSW, btw.

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