
Sunday 29 December 2013

At the Carwash

When we returned Jonathan and Rosy's Mercedes 4WD to them this time last year we figured it would be polite to clean it first, so we took it to the carwash. 

A la cuisine hier: Guinea fowl and rabbit soup aka post-Christmas fridge soup. The Christmas leftovers have been minestroned (or possibly garbured). 

Simon made a big loaf of extremely good seedy bread.

Barnsley chops, which are lamb loin chops cut in mirrored pairs ie the spine is not cut lengthways. In French they are cĂ´tes d'agneau filet.
Weather News: It is remarkably mild here. We didn't light the fire until mid-afternoon on Friday and not until dinner time on Saturday. It has been rather wet the last couple of days though, with standing water back in the fields and all the ditches full.
Loire Valley Nature: A new entry for Winter Heliotrope Petasites fragrans has been added.
A new entry called Resources has been created to list publications and organisations that can help if you want to learn about wildlife in the Touraine Loire Valley.
A photo has been added to the Marbled White butterfly Melanargia galathea entry.


Stuart said...

Never seen the tricoleur working so hard ! Nice shots.

Susan said...

Stuart: That hadn't occurred to me!

MargaretP said...

Not mild here ! 38 yesterday, at least it cools down at night here on the mountain top.
Got out of the car wash routine a few years back when we had "no outside water use" restrictions for a long time.Car windows could be washed with a bucket and plants could be watered with a bucket for 1 hour 3 times a week, total hose ban.

Pollygarter said...

Tim saw a pair of swans today, swimming across a field. I've never seen swans here before. Must be the wet.

Susan said...

Margaret: were you not even allowed to take the car to the carwash in the ban?

PG: yes, perhaps they are young ones looking for territory?

MargaretP said...

Yes Susan, the car washes still operated on some recycle system, but got dearer and a few shut down.

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