
Saturday 9 November 2013

Fruit Tingles

I am reliably informed, by the small daughter of an Australian arts professor teaching in Utah, that the best thing about visiting Australia is Fruit Tingles. Simon would no doubt agree with her. For non-Australian readers, note that fruit tingles are lollies, not sweets or candies, and what British people call lollies would be called icy poles in Australia and popsicles in the US.
Loire Valley Nature: A new entry for the Blue Emperor dragonfly Anax imperator has been added.
Photos of a male have been added to the White-tailed Bumble Bee Bombus lucorum entry.
A la cuisine hier: Rugelach -- a Yiddish cross between a croissant and a mince pie. What's not to like? Simon has eaten about a gazillion already.


Tim said...

Looks just like a roll of Refreshers to me! Or that's what we call them in the UK. Even the packaging looks the same...
certainly the lettering and colours!!
Refreshers are wonderful!!
Sharp, effervescent, frooty...
terrible for the teeef!!
But why are these called lollies in 'Stralia??

And talking of "terrible for the teeef"...
and probably for the ill fitting of trousers...
those nasty looking little Rugelachs look very dangeroos....
The recipe looks very nasty... as do the suggestions on the bottom bar!!
Strawberry ones, honey ones...
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! 'Liscious!!!
The fact that these ones have abricot in them makes them even more dangerous!

Sheila said...

I think I remember watching Ina
make these on her show and wishing
I could reach through the TV for
one. She uses butter like it's
water. Wonderful use for your

Susan said...

Tim: no idea why lolly means sweet in Australia, just as I have no idea why it means icy pole in the UK.

Sheila: I'd only vaguely heard of her. I found the recipe, as you guessed, looking for things to do with walnuts.

Tim said...

Susan, a lolly doesn't mean an icy pole... it applies to anything on a stick that you can lick [except toffee apples]...
so ice lollies can be covered by by the description, be they ice cream covered in chocolate or fruit puree...
or assorted coloured ices on a stick...
but the long sticks of frozen "flavoured" coloured water are called icepops.

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