
Thursday 7 March 2013

Produits regionaux

Our local mini supermarket, Vival, stocks a range of locally produced products -- honey, organic apple juice, goats cheese, yoghurt, preserves, free range eggs. I buy the honey regularly, some apple juice every few months and from time to time the goats cheese.
Loire Valley Nature Updates: the entry for Roe Deer Capreolus capreolus has been updated.


Sheila said...

I would like to buy a branch of
that gorgeous holly.

Tim said...

Both M. Tortissier's honey and that apple juice from the bio lads are good stuff!

Susan said...

Sheila: I took this photo at Christmas time. The holly is a nice touch, isn't it?

Tim: I always have at least one jar of the honey in the house. The apple juice is great.

the fly in the web said...

That's the plus point of small operations like Vival...not tied hand and feet to central purchasing.

Susan said...

Fly: Vival is now part of Casino I believe. My experience is that all the local supermarkets I am familiar with have a local buyer, not just the small ones. In a way, all French supermarkets are relatively small though, as they are franchises. Each supermarket does have to commit to a certain amount from the central pool, but each is also run by a local franchise owner who has a big influence on store presentation and local links.

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