
Sunday 3 February 2013

Some More Signs You are in China

Following on from yesterday's post:

 On some steps that led off the Great Wall and on to the mountainside.

 Manual dumplings anyone?

Most cryptic of all -- the instructions for the chairlift at the Great Wall.
Rétromobile, the annual vintage car show, is on 6 - 10 February, at the Paris Expo Porte de Versailles. To purchase tickets go to their website. To see some of our reports of previous Rétromobiles, see here and here.


Tim said...

Sod the manual dumplings... have Kodak [China] PLC found a way of getting rid of all their old stock?



And the chairlift instructions are a wonder to behold... as is the Great Wall...

Susan said...

Tim: I'm sure nobody reads the instructions for the chairlift!

Tim said...

Well! I did! And I'm not even likely to use it... but, forearmed lets you carry more luggage!
We "brenned" this afternoon... went to the Maison de la Nature and saw that there was a sighting of a Spoonbill at Foucault... needless to say it wasn't there! And we weren't inclined to try and find it... one spoonbill, loads of Gurt Whites and a thousand and one lakes!! Not on a chillingly cold day!!!

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