
Thursday 21 February 2013

A Fromagerie in Paris

 Fromagerie La Ferme de Chloé.

Yet again, we've discovered somewhere we didn't even know existed on a visit to a district of Paris that we thought we knew well. There is a fantastic cheese shop at 2 rue du Rhin in the 19ème. It's called La Ferme de Chloé and we suddenly noticed it when we stopped over in Paris in December. I have no idea how we have managed to miss it on previous visits.

The window was full of Mont d'Or, a soft cheese that is a seasonal treat at Christmas time.

There are half a dozen French reviews of the shop on Yelp and Keldelice and the like -- they just rave about the place, saying things like:

The choice here is reeeeeeeeeeally large, the welcome always really smiling and the fromager really kind. When you come in without much idea of what you want, she is quick to ask you what you really like in order to advise you what might please you.

The prices are very affordable for the cheese selection (especially for a Parisian cheese shop in an area that is becoming a bit yuppiefied*). *The reviewer used the expression un poil bobo.

There is everything from celebrated Camemberts to little products unknown to the general public. The shop assistant (happily) takes the time to introduce you to numerous artisanal products.
Loire Valley Nature Updates:  the Man Orchid Orchis anthropophora entry has been updated.
The Bee Orchid Ophrys apifera entry has been updated.
The Mueller's Helleborine orchid Epipactis muelleri entry has been updated.


GaynorB said...

It certainly sounds like you'll be visiting again!

In the UK we eat very little cheese save from small amounts of Caerphilly/Cheddar/Double Gloucester/Shropshire Blue etc or if we have guests probably include a cheese board.

We make up for it n France...

Tim said...

You probably didn't notice it because of the bright cheese yellow paint and the wonderful paintings either side... the rest in chocolate brown slid past!!
I can certainly see why you question your observation [or lack of] this shop... as Gaynor says... you'll be back.
I must say the shelves behind the "Monty Don" picture look very inviting... we are off to marquet in a minute to see if our very absent cheese lady has returned!
We currently have an "out of cheese error"...

Sheila said...

Beautiful Bee Orchid photos.

Susan said...

Gaynor: we don't eat much cheese either -- me especially.

Tim: my only excuse is that we don't often pass by this intersection. Usually we are one street lower.

Sheila: Thank you! I love them and am so glad I have squillions in the orchard.

Tim said...

Our cheese lady is back... she'd had a minor opp. just before Christmas and decided to take January off... to make sure she got really well.
And she looks it, too!

Given the poor turnout over winter, we think she made the right descision... it probably wouldn't have been worth her coming!
And that cheese shop needs a yellow door frame... the middle of the frontage is just toooo brown.

Pearl said...

Excellent. Nice time we go to Paris we;ll have to check it out. I could eat all the cheese I wanted in France but cow's cheese in Canada is likely to bother me. Different grass? Pesticides?

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