
Saturday 24 March 2012

Spring Wild Flowers

For those of you who found our previous photograph of the first cowslips all a bit unsatisfactory, here is a selection of wildflowers photographed over the last week or so to make up for it.

These wild Grape Hyacinth Muscari neglecta were photographed on a roadside bank on the way out of Preuilly on the Chaumussay road. We've also got a couple of little patches in our orchard, and they are native to this area, not garden escapees. The newly emerged Violet Carpenter Bees have been foraging enthusiastically at them for several days.

Cowslip Primula veris, in flower and in focus, on a roadside bank near Chaumussay.

All of a sudden the Sweet Violets Viola odorata are everywhere. The purple form were out first, but a few days ago the white form appeared in the orchard all through the grass. The leaves are tiny and hardly visible - they will get bigger as the season progresses. Many of the white flowered violets have a lovely lavender wash this year, like this one. These too are native to the area and not necessarily garden escapees.


Tim said...

The previous posting wasn't unsatisfactory... it was an abstract... and therefore you should sell it as...
The Cow Slipped
and sell it for a few million!
You just need the "right" signature on the bottom tho'

Lady Justine said...

I drove past a clump of cowslips yesterday and thought of you! That's a gorgeous picture of the grape hyacinth. I find it so hard to get a picture of them that doesn't look washed out!

Susan said...

Tim: Well the right name isn't Damien Hurst any more - I think people have sussed him.

LJ: Thanks, that's a nice warm comment :-) According to Simon the main view people get of me is my arse. These were photographed by half climbing the bank and sticking my arse in the air. Fortunately I am a regular feature on this road, so I am just entertainment for the locals now.

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