
Sunday 29 January 2012

Banded Demoiselles - a photo essay.

I strongly recommend clicking on each photo to enlarge them. They will open in a new window.



GaynorB said...

Fantastic pics Susan , such wonderful colours

Ken Broadhurst said...

Beautiful. Did you use a tri- or monopod?

Susan said...

Gaynor: Thanks :-) Go down to the stream behind your place with your camera and you could take photos like this - the place will be crawling with Banded Demoiselles in late spring and summer.

Ken: Thank you. They are all hand held (and Simon took some of them).

chm said...

Stunning photos Susan and Simon.

Pour parodier Pierre Corneille dans Le Cid, vos coups d'essai sont des coups de maƮtre!

Tim said...

Summery pix on a grey morning... great!!
When I read the word essay, though, I expected male [got male], males round a female [got males but no female], mating, egg laying, nymph, etc, etc... the complete life-cycle wotsit.... but got a lovely poem about flitting metallic blue arrows over a gentle stream on a warm summer's day... I could almost turn off the heating. [But I don't think I will just yet, having read Ken's post this morning!]

Pearl said...

gorgeous color to see flitting about!

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