
Thursday 15 December 2011


Building work has just about stopped for the year - Patrick arrives this morning to lay some tiles in the downstairs toilet, but that's it. This means that I can paint the parts that have been built during the past 12 months without too much dust being deposited on wet paint.

There is a problem though: at this time of year daylight hours are short, and even when it's daytime it doesn't necessarily mean I can get brushes washed and dried between coats. In spring, it isn't so much of a problem, but rainy winter days require a different approach.

So far the only painting I have finished is the downstairs toilet and the back of the toilet door, which have been painted in white paint - tinted a delicate baby blue. Photos of the room itself will no doubt follow once the tiles are laid and the furniture re-installed.

I have a problem with the dining room - the undercoat on the lambris hasn't dried and is still tacky after two whole days*. I am hoping that another day's drying (and an electric heater in close proximity) will solve that, allowing me to get on with my winter task.


*anyone with suggestions of how to get solvent based undercoat to dry can use the "comments" button, below.

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