
Sunday 18 December 2011

Not Exactly a Ghost

This has been repainted on a wall in Loches. The business is now a cafe, but it's nice to see history being paid its dues.



Ken Broadhurst said...

Happy Birthday to Susan, and thanks again to both of you for the offer of the generator. The power is back on and life is getting back on track. Hope you have a great Sunday and enjiy the sunshine.

Jean said...

Happy birthday Susan. I hope you have a lovely day.

Carolyn said...

Following the lead of those in the know, I'll add my own happy birthday wishes to Susan. Hope it's a wonderful day.

Pollygarter said...

Many happy returns from Tim & Pauline

Amanda said...

Happy birthday Susan!

Tim said...

Many Hippo Retoins Susan... hope you enjoyed the day!
Pauline and Tim

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