
Wednesday 1 June 2011

What's Happening in and Around Preuilly in June?

Saturday 18 - Sunday 19 - Rendez-vous Troglos. Private troglodyte sites open to public.

Sunday 19 - The Association de Botanique et de Mycologie de Sainte-Maure-de-Touraine will be looking at plants of damp places in the ForĂȘt de Preuilly. Meet at the Etang de Ribaloche at 2.30 pm. €3 for non-members.

Tuesday 21 - National FĂȘte de Musique. Every town and village will be staging some musical event.

In the forest and in gardens, honeysuckle will be attracting
Hummingbird Hawkmoths.
At the end of the month Simon's parents arrive to stay. This will be the first time they have seen the house since 2007. We suspect they will notice some changes.

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