
Monday 14 March 2011


Ever since I joined the library we have been working our way through the history, patromoine and guidebook section. This means that over winter we have accumulated a list of places we must visit once the weather is better. Last Friday we actually managed one of the visits.

The ridge at Rouenceau into which the grottes are built
The grottes near Charnizay were built as refuges in the period between the Norman Invasion of the 10th century and the Feudal Wars about a hundred years later, when the Normans started beating up on each other (and the local peasants) rather than just the local peasants. They are built into a low cliff face about a kilometre from the village itself, and consist of a number of passages opening up off a central chamber. We didn't explore inside, because we forgot the torch. (You have it right - a caving expedition with no lighting is not our cleverest idea).

Almost hidden in the undergrowth
The passage on the right goes further than we did
There is a spring coming out of the cliff just
beneath the cave entrance
We will be returning, with torches at some time soon.



Jean said...

It's lovely to see the signs of spring in the photos - I didn't know the grottes were there - must take a look next time we are chez nous.

Niall & Antoinette said...

I didn't know either :-) so we'll go and have a look sometime.

Sheila said...

Hope we will be treated to
tours of the other points of
interest you read about.

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