
Thursday 13 January 2011

A Flood Video

For those who have been following the events in Queensland, this was the view of the carpark we used to park in most days.

It was filmed from the office we would have been working in if we hadn't left in 1997.

If you would like to make a donation to help the many families who have been affected by these floods, the Queensland Government's own appeal site is here.


Diane said...

That is jusr soooooooo scary. Diane

Amanda said...

Sue and Leon posted the same video. It is pretty unbelievable!
The earthquake in Haiti happened 1 year ago and not much has changed since that tragedy but I am sure Australia will pull together and cleanup the mess very fast. Since it has happened before, I wonder if there are ways to plan ahead, at least to protect cities or place warnings. The size of that flood is so huge, it is hard to fathom.

Diane said...

Susan I just wanted to let you know my book 'Insects of Britain and Western Europe' has arrived. I am really pleased with it. Although it is small it seems pretty comprehensive and I am sure will have most of what I need to know. Diane

The Beaver said...


We saw some videos last night on the national channel from some Canadians living/visiting Toowoomba. It looks so scary that it prompted my husband to say that he would rather live through another ice storm than experience a flash flood. We also saw pictures of flooded Brisbane - boats stuck under some bridges . Hopefully your parents are OK and coping in the valley.

Diogenes said...

Unbelievable. That guy who ran out to move his car out of the flood waters took a huge risk.

Susan said...

Nadège: Most places got considerable warning and packed up and moved out. Toowoomba and a couple of other places were very unlucky in that there was no possible warning.

Diane: I'll PM you when I get a moment. It's an excellent book - I have it myself and use it often. Just be aware that it is a list of examples and there are lots of look alikes.

Beaver: My parents are fine and in no danger at all. The town they live in never floods as there is no watercourse there, only artesian water. They are just cut off from the surrounding towns.

Jean said...


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