
Monday 12 July 2010

Simon Makes Some Dust

Once the guest bedroom walls and ceiling were painted (didn't we mention that?) it was time on Saturday to sand the floor. Previously it was stained and varnished - either that or it had tinted varnish applied. An added treat was that over the years it had been coated with lots of lovely wax.

To remove the resulting sludge I bought a belt sander and plenty of 40 grit belts. This is a really fast way of sanding, but it does require constant attention and plenty of muscle power, otherwise the sander runs away from you and gouges holes in the floor. Luckily I was feeling pretty attentive, even though it was very hot on Saturday: well over 30° and very high humidity.

The old and the almost new.
After seven hours on my hands and knees the floor was sanded, and we were able to sweep up the dust, of which there was quite a lot.

This is about 10% of the dust I made.
Those wall are actually pure white.
All that was left for me to do was give it a quick run over with some 160 grit sandpaper on an orbital sander, and the floor was looking smooth and ready for the next step.

Thus it was that yesterday morning we vacuumed (again) washed and then I gave the floor two coats of colourless varnish. I think it's an improvement: yes, you can see the occasional furniture mark, furniture beetle marks, parts where the floor is worn, and some water darkened patches, but the floor is now properly wood - and feels really nice underfoot.



Leon Sims said...

Gorgeous - Both the floor and you dear.

Diane said...

We have a belt sander and you are right, if you don't concentrate anything may happen:( The marks on the floor give it character, we have a similar floor in our spare room. Sadly it is the only room with a wood floor. I love them. You have done a great job. Diane

wcs said...

Looks terrific. So does the floor.

Simon said...

Does this mean I can use the speech I have been saving for when I win an Oscar? The one where I thank everyone (including the hairdresser's first assistant's dog walker) before bursting into tears?

Paulita said...

Save the speech. You might need it yet, but the floors do look gorgeous. And you made such short work of it. Impressive.

Ken Broadhurst said...

Have you considered this kind of work as a career? Well done.

Simon said...

Ken. I don't think there is enough money in the world!

The Beaver said...

Floor looks great and beautiful. I have done this type of work once ( 3 rooms) - Back breaking but we saved some $$$

Amanda said...

You are very brave to work so hard in the heat, without a dust mask.
The floors look gorgeous!

Tim said...

Looks nicer in the "timber" so to speak... the photo doesn't really do it justice.

Diogenes said...

The floor looks great! It's a huge job, the thrill of which is amplified by all the dust created. When I did mine, I used thinned linseed oil with a coat of verathane on top.

Anonymous said...

what a load of work! how nice it looks, congrats!

chm said...

All the previous commenters have said it so much better than I could. Congrats, Simon!

chm said...

All the previous commenters have said it so much better than I could. Congrats, Simon!

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