
Friday 25 June 2010

Roof: Part Done

By golly by jingo by crikey!

These roofing blokes sure work quick. On their return after lunch on Wednesday they were straight up the ladder, replacing slates. I went for a walk around town to see what I could see, and if I could get a good vantage point for viewing the work.

Wednesday lunchtime
After they had finished for the day (and things had cooled down a little temperature wise), I went back for another photo.

Yesterday morning the slates came off the staircase tower, and by the end of the day the aluminium heat shield was in place. I assume by the end of play today we will have the new roof over the staircase in place.

Looking up the stairs to where the roof will be.
All the old timbers have been left in place, which is great. They are oak and only a couple of hundred years old, (we assume 15th century) so there's plenty of wear left in them. You can see the adze marks where they were originally worked, and although we will probably (hopefully) never see them again we know they are there and we have a solid link back to the original builders, hidden in the roof.

The weather is set fair for the next couple of days. I assume they will put a tarpaulin in place for the weekend, just in case, but apart from taking that precaution I think it's all going rather well.



chm said...

I didn't know you had so many different roofs of various shapes at different angles. I didn't understand either what you meant by the staircase tower, now I know. I can see it.
Everything looks great. Good for you!

Leon Sims said...

Lookin'good S&S.

Diane said...

As you say they do work quickly. Last year our whole roof was done within a week. They also had to replace some of the wood over out bedroom, so there was more to do than planned. Not sure how old our place is. We have the area plans for 1839 and the house was certainly there then. Diane

Susan said...

Diane: a whole roof in a week is exceptionally fast. Ours is going to take 3 weeks, which seems to be a fairly standard time for a roof which isn't enormous and not overly complicated.

To research your house you need the old cadastral number, and then you can ask the local archives to help you find references to your property. Does the plan you have clearly show your house as it exists now, or simply that a house was on the site? (Most likely it is your house, but something to check.)

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