
Friday 23 April 2010

The Back Door

It isn't finished, because we still need to paint it the same colour as the shutters and add the glazing bars, but this is what our back door looks like.

This is what the back door used to look like. There are a number of practical improvements: I don't have to duck as I enter the house, the door won't let in the rain, wind and cold, and the stonework is solid (as is the door) and doesn't move about alarmingly.

Then of course, there are the aesthetics.

We are both really tired at the moment - Susan spent all day trying to move the dust the maçons left (we'll be shifting dust for weeks to come, no doubt) and I have been learning 1001 new skills, none of which I hope I will have to call on again (once is enough...).

We are having a really interesting time though; at the moment every day seems to bring a new excitement and achievement.

Today is St George's day. Not only is he patron saint of England, but also Aragon, Catalonia, Ethiopia, Georgia, Greece, Lithuania, Palestine, Portugal, and Russia, as well as the cities of Amersfoort, Beirut, Fakiha, Bteghrine, Cáceres (Spain), Ferrara, Freiburg, Genoa, Ljubljana, Gozo, Milan, Pomorie, Preston, Qormi, Rio de Janeiro, Lod, Barcelona and Moscow.

And Preuilly sur Claise. There is a big fair in town tomorrow, as well as a brocante. The town has been spruced up a bit, even to the extent of cleaning the road signs at the main intersection (although this may be purely coincidental).



chm said...

Looks pretty neat. I kind of like the brown color of the door, but to each his own!

Simon said...

chm: We would be told to paint the door, even if we didn't want to. Our neighbours have been told to paint their new volets, which were the same colour.

SweetpeainFrance said...

Do you have any choice as to which colour / shade to paint your exterior woodwork?

Simon said...

There's a range of colours, mainly muted greys and blues, but the guidelines are frustratingly ambiguous.

We chose the blue/grey (with a hint of green) colour, and so far no-one has commented

Jean said...

You could always paint it pink and see what happens !!

Simon said...

Pink? Been there, done that. Pink with gold leaf highlights though - that's a completely different matter!

Jean said...

Oh Simon, how French !!

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