
Wednesday 21 October 2009

The Woodman

We've had our first delivery of wood from one of the local firewood suppliers, Monsieur G. He's a farmer, but sells good quality properly dried oak for firewood as well.

Because Simon wasn't as organised as he could have been (something he will willingly admit to) the wood was delivered into the back garden. We cleared a stack of old pine that had been the decorative motif in the kitchen (and will now be kindling) into an organised heap, and later transferred the new wood into two smallish heaps (one for big logs, one for middle sized) in the garage. This will keep it dry - essential for firewood, and sensible considering the wood has been drying for almost two years already. None of the wood will require any form of splitting or cutting, which is good news.

Prices around here range from about €40 to €60 a stere (a cubic metre). We paid €23 for a demi-stere, cut to 50cm lengths, delivered in the back of Monsieur G's station wagon (estate car in British English, or in French, break). He says this will last us about 15 days, and so far we are really impressed by how well it burns and how long each log lasts. We also liked the fact that he delivered the day after I telephoned him, and turned up at the time we arranged. Monsieur G was recommended to us as a reliable supplier and we will certainly be using him again. Next time we order wood, we will get 2 or 3 stere, which he will deliver by tractor drawn trailer. He's not totally confident he can get up our driveway with the bigger rig though, so we might have to manhandle the next delivery from the front courtyard to the garage at the back.

Now we have a fire and firewood, it is ironic that the weather is warming up - last week was bitterly cold, this week could be almost 10°C warmer. This means the fire's main use will be to counteract the damp (it started raining properly at about 7.00 last night) than the cold. Now we have a fiire and wood, there is no way Simon will allow us not to use it



Jean said...

I'm glad to see your wood arrived. This is a busy time of year for logpeople.
Enjoy !!

Ken Broadhurst said...

We paid 38 € per stère last year, but then the wood we bought was in 1 m lengths, and we bought 14 stères. Delivery and stacking were included in the price. It's mixed wood, but no conifers. I'm not sure that burning pine is a good idea. The resin could gum up your chimney.

Carolyn said...

Don't you know this is how it works? You bring in wood, and the weather warms up. You set out tomato plants, and you get a late frost. You put out clothes to dry, and it rains. I can change the weather by what I cook for lunch--a cold soup for a hot day means that suddenly it's chilly.

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