
Sunday 20 September 2009

Support your local Mediaevalist

This weekend is Journées européennes du patrimoine, two days of heritage events in all 49 states that are signatories to the Cultural Convention of the European Union. In the UK it is most noticable in the Open House events, but in Preuilly last night it was most noticeable in the group of people in Mediaeval costume parading the streets.

Last night was the Mediaeval Feast put on by the Archeological Society. As new members this was our first time at the annual event, and we had a blast: parading the streets and holding up traffic, singing and dancing, a great meal...

If you're anywhere in the zone today get out there and check out the local heritage. You don't have to travel far, but you might find yourself amazed at what there is to see.



ladybird said...

Did you dress up too? I bet you would make a great Robin Hood ... like in the film 'Men in tights' :) Martine

Jean said...

Simon, you know you just love dressing up. Any excuse.

Simon said...

Surprisingly, I didn't dress up. None of the costumes available to be borrowed fitted me (most didn't even go over my head), and we didn't have enough time for a Scarlet O'Hara/Julie Andrews creative flurry.

Carolyn said...

Aren't the journees du patrimoine great? We put 300 km on the rental car these past two days seeing 17 gardens, manor houses, chateaux, parks, and a street play in le Perche. Now we can tell a pigeonnier from a four a chanvres. Just don't ask me to spell it.

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