
Sunday 28 June 2009

Set in Cement

There is nothing in my training as a musician to prepare me for laying cement.

However, not being one to miss an opportunity to look clever, I tried laying cement yesterday morning. I started in a small way, filling the hole I mentioned yesterday (but didn't show a photo of)

This is the hole I didn't show a photo of. It's
quite deep in places, but not very wide.
The hole was the site of a timber framed, wattle and daub filled wall. You can see the bottom of a rotted away post on the left hand end of the hole. If my theory (expounded here) about our staircase is correct, then this would have been an entry hall or porch to the house. After digging out the rotting timber, loose stones and old concrete, I dug out (metaphorically, at least) the bag of cement I bought last year and stored in the garage, a shovel and a mason's mixing bowl.

The small hole is now filled, but not very well - I think I got the recipe wrong. This threw me, so I rang Alex who will be doing out garden wall, and he agreed to come over this morning and assist me with the landing pad for the staircase - a much more important and possibly more difficult job.


1 comment:

Jean said...

You're in good hands with Alex.

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