
Thursday 26 March 2009

An outbreak of Competence


That all went better than I feared.

After the effort involed in making holes in the steel pieces, drilling the wood and brick was easy. I chipped away the render so the braces were lying flat against the brick, pushed the bolt through, and did up the nut. And that was that! (Well - almost - it rained while I was working outside, and I will need to wait for someone to arrive with a couple of large shifting spanners so I can get that extra last 1/2 turn with someone up the ladder holding the bolt still)

The render is chipped away...
I was so impressed with myself that I even managed to screw the saddles to the bearer.

NOW I am confident the floor isn't going to go anywhere unfortunate while someone is in the shower. Even without the bolts being fully tight the bearer is solid.

What the braces look like from outside
Pleased? You bet I am. In fact - I am right chuffed.



IanJ said...

Well done Simon! That looks pretty solid.
One trick I use is to clamp the nut (in this case) with a mole grip, then go back up the ladder and tighten the bolt. That way you don't need an assistant. A mole grip is one of those must-have tools.

Susan said...

It looks great Simon. Well done. I look forward to seeing the job for real. Biz à toi.

wcs said...

Good show, old chap. Hip, hip. Cheerio. What?

Or, as we say in 'Merican: Way to go!

wcs said...

Oh, I forgot, Way to go, dude!

Ken Broadhurst said...

I keep seeing this term "chuffed". What's up with that?

Anonymous said...

I´m turning green of envy!

Susan said...

Ken: 'Chuffed' means to be delighted by a pleasant surprise.

NickL said...

Actually folks the correct usage is "I were right chuffed duck".

In formal English its important to finish any expressive phrase with an endearment, e.g. luv, petal darlin, cock, duck. Exactly which is a complex subject.....

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