
Sunday 25 February 2007

Cleaning the house.

18 February 2007

Sunday was going to be our day off, but after waking late and being a bit down because of lack of progress with anything in the house we decided to have lunch and do "something" to make us feel like the visit wasn't being entirely wasted.

I have worked out a walk that takes a visitor around all the best parts of Preuilly. It isn't a long walk, but we have never actually done it ourselves. As our fun activity of the day we did the walk, which tends to work up and down the hill rather than across it. This may change in future, but for the moment this is what the walk looks like.
The Old Mairie
After stopping for a coffee we went to the house to do some cleaning up. It really does need it, having not been cleaned for about 15 - 20 years. Although it is dirty, it's amazing how much grot WASN'T showing. Maybe Quentin Crisp was right "There is no need to do any housework at all. After the first four years the dirt doesn't get any worse".

A decent sweep out and unscrewing the windows and shutters to let some air in made a huge difference to the feel inside the house. Most of the windows appear not to have been opened for many years, but I have been dosing them with WD40 over the last few visits in preparation for the event. Thus, they opened easily enough, and we started to get some fresh air in.

Having satisfied the urge to "do" we went home via Chaumussay and I cooked petit sale for dinner, using what I could remember of a Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall (or Huge Ferny Whitteringbottom, as he is know by some - ok one - person in our house) recipe. As you can see, it doesn't take much remembering.

After dinner we watched a political debate for the upcoming elections.


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