
Saturday, 31 August 2013

The Naturalists' Bookshelf

So, what does the well-travelled Australian naturalist have on their bookshelf?

Ile de Ré Reflections: The little sign says 'Zone of Tranquility for the Wild Fauna. By not penetrating into this zone you are participating in the conservation of the fauna. Thank you.' 
A la cuisine hier: I carefully decanted and filtered the liquid from the batch of sour cherry liqueur I have had steeping on the kitchen bench for 6 weeks. It's a nice dark rosé wine colour and quite sweet, so useable in small doses already. I got just over a litre. Hardy souls could drink it now as the sugar masks the lack of balance that comes with a year or two's aging. 

The remaining undissolved sugar and pale vodka sodden sour cherries I have gently heated up to make a syrup to go in a sorbet or something. The cherries have imparted most of their colour and flavour to the liqueur, but I'll strain the remains and see how it goes. The result may be too medicinal to contemplate.
In the Pantry: MICE! They are extremely stinky, but don't seem to have gnawed anything. I have only managed to catch one, an adult female House Mouse Mus musculus. I may have to borrow Pepsi.


Tim said...

Good grieeeef, gal!
Can the walls take it?
And which Brico can you get that little green sign at??!
I want one for the gate...
It would also make a great T-shirt!!
[With slightly altered wording...]

Tim said...

Oh... and is that socket common to just Australia?

Susan said...

Tim: The sign's on an LPO reserve, so ask them if they are available.

No, NZ, China, Argentina, PNG and some Pacific Islands use the same sockets. The only difference is switch, which only A&NZ seems to use -- according to Wikipedia.

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