
Wednesday 18 July 2012

The stuff you learn...

... and can't use.

We have been following the Tour de France on TV this year, and really enjoying what is basically the world's longest travel advert. Along the way I have learnt stuff, like I really want to visit the Alps in Célestine, and I really do want to see the Pyrenees.

I have also learnt about hill climb classifications.

The classification range is from 4 through to 1 and h.c., with 4 being the easiest hill (I have met speed bumps, particularly the one at Artannes-sur-Indre, that probably rates as a 4) and hors catégorie being the hardest. Today's stage (stage 16, 18 July 2012) is in the Pyrenees and has two catégorie 1, and two h.c. climbs.

The term hors catégorie for hills was originally used for mountain roads which it was expected motor vehicles wouldn't be able to climb.

And catégories 1 to 3? Simple. That's the gear you need to use to climb the hill in your Traction Avant.

Maybe I will be able to use that information after all.



The Beaver said...


Those are "les 4 classiques" de Tour de France in the Pyrenées:Aubisque, Tourmalet, Aspin, Peyresourde.

Whoever makes it to the end first will be "dead' tomorrow . He will stick to the peloton in the 17th stage unless he is on something :-)

Pollygarter said...

What a voluptuous gear lever! Chrome and Bakelite - lovely stuff.

Simon said...

Todays stage was excellent - some proper hard graft had to go in.

PG - voluptuous? what else could it be?

Leon Sims said...

She has a lovely DASH about her, doesn't she?

Simon said...

Leon - indeed...

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