
Monday 2 July 2012


Ingredients for Pissaladière.
If your onion crop is good Pissaladière (Provencal Onion Tart) is a delicious way of using up the bounty. Sadly, my onion crop this year has been hardly worth harvesting, but I think I'll make Pissaladiere anyway. For a light lunch for 4 people you will need a kilo of onions. Cook them very slowly in a little olive oil, with sprigs of thyme and a good pinch of salt until they are reduced and very soft, almost like a purée. It should take about an hour. Increase the heat a bit at the end and boil any liquid off.

Ready for the oven.
While you wait for the onions make a pizza dough. Once the onion is cooked and cooled a bit, roll out the pizza dough and spread it with onion purée. Decorate with anchovies and olives then bake in the oven for 30 minutes at 190°C.

Ready to eat.
Serve warm or room temperature with a salad or as a snack.

You can also use the onion puree to make a delicious feuilletée. Take some rounds or triangles of puff pastry about 10-15cm across and spread the onion in the middle, leaving an edge of about 2-3cm. Add 2-3 slices of goat cheese on top of the onion and push up the edges of the pastry to make an open parcel. Bake in the oven at 200°C for 15 minutes.



Tim said...

Thank you Susan.... that has solved tomorrow nights supper!
I have recently been finding that LIDL's Ciabatta flour mix makes excellent Pizza base dough.

wcs said...

One of my favorites... but I haven't made it in a while. Thanks for the reminder!

Pearl said...

that sounds marvellous. I'll have to get some onions.

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